
The story of “Cabaret” takes place in 1930s Berlin, and explores the drama (both political and sexual) taking place in a popular nightspot called The Kit Kat Club. Performer Sally Bowles, goes on a journey of sex, scandal, danger and intrigue, all the while singing and dancing her heart out. Sally’s lover, Cliff Bradshaw is an American writer who happens upon Sally one night as she performs at The Kit Kat Club.Their love story, set in the quickly deteriorating landscape of pre-World War II Germany, is one of growth and acceptance, and it provides a unique and personal perspective on a war era often described in generalities.  Though the plotline carries some heavy themes, Tech’s production of “Cabaret” manages to keep the tempo of the production up with intricate dance numbers, a dazzling combination of lighting and scenery, and a fiercely eccentric Master of Ceremonies.


Role: Kit Kat Girl
Venue: The Maedgen Mainstage Theatre
Book: Joe Masteroff, based on the play by John Van Druten and stories by Christopher Isherwood
Music: John Kander
Lyrics: Fred Ebb
Director: Dean Nolen
Choreographer: Kyla Olson
Producer: Texas Tech University
Year: 2016